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Лондон : знакомый и незнакомый


англ. 63.3(4ВЕЛ)

И-16437 (ИНО)

Boru, S.
A Historie of London and Londoners : a romp through the capital / Sean Boru ; [foreword by Jimmy White MBE]. - London : The History Press, cop. 2009. - IX, 213, [1] p. ; 24 см. - ISBN 978-0-7524-4861-9 : 250.00 р.
Перевод заглавия: История Лондона и лондонцев
Перевод: Бору, Шан. История Лондона и лондонцев / Ш. Бору. - [S. l. : s. n.]

An entertaining romp through the history of England's capital city traces its origins as a simple marketplace in AD 50 to the sprawling metropolis of today. An invaluable source of trivia, this book is unique in that it not only charts by year and period the events that shaped London, but looks at the history of crime and hanging, the police, prisons, the executioners, health, English as a language, nursery rhymes, slang, sayings, and their origins. It also tells the fascinating story of how the capital got its street names and the history of signs. It finishes with a compilation of great people who lived in and made a difference to one of the world's most popular tourist spots.
англ. 92:26.890(4)

И-16202 (ИНО) ; И-16362 (ИНО)

Dickins, R.
The Usborne Little Book of London / Roise Dickins ; designed by B. Voakes and L. Penny ; phot. by S. Lumley ; ill. by I. Jackson. - London : Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2007. - 64 p. : фот. цв., цв. ил., карты ; 18 см. - Пер. изд. : Лондон : путеводитель / Рози Диккинс. - ISBN 978-0-74608420-5 : 312.40 р., 300.30 р.

This book is a handy-sized guide to England’s capital city. It contains a brief history of London from Roman times to today, and serves as a guide to its people, places and tourist attractions. The book is written in clear and easy-to-follow language and packed with colourful illustrations, photographs and maps, and also Internet links to recommended websites with virtual tours and further information.
англ. 81.2=432.1-944:26

И-15660 (ИНО)

Escott, J.
London / John Escott. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006. - 22 p. : il, портр. - (Factfiles) (Oxford Bookworms ; 1). - ISBN 0-19-422801-0 : 83.00 р.

Every year, more than nine million people come from countries all over the world to visit London. They go to the theatres and museums; they look at interesting old buildings, many of them are hundreds of years old; they sit or walk in the beautiful parks, or have a drink in a pub. They go to Oxford Street to look at the shops, or to Harrods. Two million visitors go to the Tower of London. A million more go to see St Paul's Cathedral. Yes, London is a big and beautiful city with lots to see and do. But how did it all begin...?
англ. 81.2=432.1-944:26

И-15928 (ИНО)

Escott, J.
London / John Escott. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. - 56 p. : цв. фот. ; 22 см. - (Factfiles) (Oxford Bookworms ; 1). - ISBN 978-0-19-423374-3 : 363.00 р.
Перевод заглавия: Лондон

A wide river, a small village, a new country… ‘We can make a town here,’ said the Romans, and so Londinium began. Two thousand years later, that village is London, the biggest city in Britain, and millions of people visit it every year. What brings them here? Some come to see the beautiful buildings and the great parades of Britain’s royal family. Others like to walk along the River Thames, and through the green parks and gardens of this great city. And London is full of wonderful buildings, old and new, each with its own story. People come for the sport – to watch tennis at Wimbledon, football at Wembley, cricket at Lords, or to run in the London Marathon. Then there’s shopping in Oxford Street, and the theatres of London’s West End, and concerts – oh, there are hundreds of reasons to visit London. Can’t wait? Then come with us now, and get to know this wonderful city…
англ. 63.3(4ВЕЛ)

И-16361 (ИНО)

Lloid Jones, R.
See inside London : with over 80 flaps to lift / Rob Lloid Jones and Barry Ablett. - London : Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2007. - 15 p. : il. ; 28 см. - (An Usborne Flap Book). - ISBN 978-0-7460-7753-5 : 499.40 р.
Перевод: Роб, Ллойд Джонс. Лондон изнутри / Л. Дж. Роб. - [S. l. : s. n.]

This fantastic flap book takes children on a journey through London from ancient times to today. It contains fabulous scenes which show London in Roman times, in the Middle Ages, in the Tudor period, at the time of the Plague, the Great Fire and during the Blitz, and each scene has flaps to lift to reveal historical secrets. You will find simple, informative text and picture labels, and internet links to websites which help you find out more.
англ. 92:26.890(4)

И-15848 (ИНО)

London / main contributor M. Leapman. - London : A Penguin Company : Dorling Kindersly Limited, [2009]. - 448 p. : фото, фото цв., карт.-схем. ; 22 см. - (DK) (Eyewitness Travel). - General Index: p. 424-445. - ISBN 978-1-40533-358-0 : 1100.00 р.
Перевод заглавия: Лондон

The DK Eyewitness London Travel Guide will lead you straight to the best attractions London has to offer. The guide includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the city's stunning architecture, plus 3D aerial views of the key districts to explore on foot. You'll find detailed listings of the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets in this fully updated and expanded guide, plus insider tips on everything from where to find the best markets and nightspots to great attractions for children. The uniquely visual DK Eyewitness Travel Guide also includes in-depth coverage of all the unforgettable sights and comes complete with a free pull-out city map, clearly marked with sights from the guidebook and an easy-to-use street index. The map has detailed street views of all the key areas, plus there are transport maps and information on how to get around the city, and there's even a chart showing the distances between major sights for walkers. The DK Eyewitness London Travel Guide shows you what others only tell you.
англ. 84(4ВЕЛ)

И-16352 (ИНО)

Rutherfurd, E.
London / Edward Rutherfurd. - London : Arrow Books, 2010. - 1302 p. : карты, схем. ; 20 см. - ISBN978-0-09-955137-9 : 413.60 р.
Перевод: Резерфорд, Эдвард. Лондон : исторический роман / Э. Резерфорд ; Э. Резерферд. - [S. l. : s. n.]

London has perhaps the most remarkable history of any city in the world. Now its story has a unique voice. In this epic novel Edward Rutherfurd takes the reader on a magnificent journey across sixteen centuries from the days of the Romans to the Victorian engineers of Tower Bridge and the era of Dockland development of today. Through the ever-shifting fortunes, fates, and intrigues of half-a-dozen families he brings all the richness of London's past unforgettably to life. Generation after generation, these families embody the passion, struggle, wealth, and verve of the greatest city in the world.
англ. 92:26.890(4)

И-16053 (ИНО)

Winn, C.
I never knew that about London / Christopher Winn ; ill. by Mai Osawa. - London : Ebury Press, 2007. - XI, 287 p. : il., карты ; 21 см. - Gazetteer: p. 257-265. - Index: p. 266-287. - ISBN 978-0-09-191857-6 : 460.00 р.
Перевод заглавия: Я никогда не знал этого о Лондоне

Bestselling author Christopher Winn takes us on a captivating journey around London to discover the unknown tales of the capital's history. Travelling through the villages and districts that make up the world's most dynamic metropolis I Never Knew That About London unearths the hidden gems of legends, firsts, inventions, adventures and birthplaces that shape the city's compelling, and at times, turbulent past. Brimming with facts, stories and snippets providing a spellbinding insight into the history of London, this beautifully illustrated gem of a book is guaranteed to inform and amuse in equal measure.
Arty London // Speak out. - 2013. - № 1(95). - С. 2-3 : цв. ил. - (English-Speaking World = Англоязычный мир).
Buckinhgam Palace // Speak out. - 2012. - N 1. -С. 6-9 : цв. ил. - (English-speaking world = Англоязычный мир).
In and Out Covent Garden // Speak out. - 2012. - N 6 (94). -С. 2-5 : цв. ил. - (English-speaking World = Англоязычный мир). 
Kuznetsova, Galina. Big Ben's Past and Present / G. Kuznetsova // English = Английский язык. - 2010. - № 6 (16-31 March). - С. 4-6 : цв. ил. - (Discovering the Past = Открывая прошлое). 
London's Bridges // Speak out. - 2012. - N 4 (92). -P. 6-9 : цв. ил. - (English-speaking world = Англоязычный мир).
London Markets // Speak out. - 2012. - N 6 (94). -С. 6-7 : цв. ил. - (English-speaking World = Англоязычный мир).
London Parks // Speak out. - 2012. - N 2. -С. 4-5 : цв. ил. - (English-speaking world = Англоязычный мир).
London Streets and Their Names // Методическая мозаика. - 2006. - N 2. -С. 28 : ил. - (Это интересно). 
Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum  // Schoolenglish. - 2009. - N 3