Библиотека в социальных сетях |
Мир Шекспира
1. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) B93 И-9741 (ИНО)
Bullough, Geoffrey Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare / ed. by Geoffrey Bullough. - London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 19. (в пер.). Volume VIII : Romances: Cymbeline, The Winter's Tale, The Tempest. - 1975. - 423 p. - ISBN 0-7100-7895 (RKP) (в пер.). - ISBN 0-231-08898 (CUP) : 2.60 р.
Shakespeare's writing is filled with ideas, images, plots and characters borrowed or interpreted from other dramatists and poets. This work gathers together the sources and traces the relationship of these texts to Shakespeare's dramatic and poetic works. Whole texts are included wherever possible, and significant extracts provided from longer works such as Ovid's Metamorphoses. Since many of the reprinted texts are based on the Elizabethan editions highly regarded at that time, this collection also serves as a valuable anthology of prose and verse. A critical introduction to the sources of each of the plays explains the significance of the reprinted texts, and appraises the influence each had on Shakespeare's writings. The Narrative and Dramatic Sources is an essential resource for all scholars of Shakespeare and Elizabethan literature. | 2. |  | нем. 83.3(4ГЕМ) K15 И-12354 (ИНО)
Kagarlizki, J.Shakespeare und Voltaire / Julij Kagarlizki ; [aus dem Russischen "ubersetzt von Manfred Denecke]. - Dresden : Verlag der Kunst, 1989. - 143 s. - (Fundus-B"ucher ; 122). - ISBN 3-364-00167-7 : 5 р.
В XVII и первой трети XVIII вв. драматургия Шекспира считалась во Франции и других странах континентальной Европы, находившихся под ее влиянием, «варварской». Однако постепенно взгляды переменились, и Шекспир занял положение величайшего драматурга мира. В книге рассказывается о том, как крупнейший классицист XVIII столетия Вольтер сначала познакомил публику с Шекспиром, а потом, когда влияние английского драматурга стало укрепляться, выступил яростным его противником. Автор раскрывает сложность и противоречивость отношения Вольтера к творчеству Шекспира. В книге на широком историко-литературном фоне прослеживается борьба художественных направлений в европейском искусстве XVIII в. | 3. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) N52 И-12149 (ИНО)
Of the New Pelican Guide to English Literature / edited by Boris Ford. - Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 1982 - 1983. Vol. 2 : The Age of Shakespeare. - 1982. - 576 p. - Index: p. 567-576. - 3.39 р.
This volume of The New Pelican Guide to English Literature covers the period of Shakespeare’s own lifetime. It contains long general survey of the English literary renaissance, and also an account of the social context of literature in the period. Then there follow a number of essays which consider in detail the work and importance of individual dramatists, poets and prose-writers, but above all the dramatists, for this was their age: five of the essays are devoted to Shakespeare’s plays alone. Finally, this volume contains an appendix giving short author biographies and, in each case, standard editions of authors’ works, critical commentaries, and lists of books for further study and reference. | 4. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) S53 И-9742 (ИНО)
Shakespeare's Styles : essays in honor of Kenneth Muir / ed. by Philip Edwards, Inga-Stina Ewbank and G. K. Hunter. - Cambridge etc : Cambridge University Press, 1980. - 247 p. - Bibliogr.: p. 241-243. - Index: p. 245-247. - ISBN 0-521-22764-X : 1.70 р.
Although Shakespeare is acknowledged to be one of the greatest masters of language the world has known, there are very few books among the thousands devoted to his work which attempt to deal directly with how he uses language. No single book could deal with the 'infinite variety' of tone, diction, imagery, rhythm, and so on which together make up Shakespeare's different styles. But the editors of this book asked a number of distinguished Shakespearian scholars to give an account of what seemed to him or her some particularly interesting and important feature of Shakespeare's use of language.Using a quotation from Shakespeare as a starting point, some authors have focussed their discussion on individual plays; others have ranged more widely under general headings, such as bombast, rhetoric or paradox. The cumulative effect will enable readers, students and theatre-goers to come to a greater awareness of the richness and subtlety of 'Shakespeare's styles'. It was to honour the life-long devotion of Professor Kenneth Muir to the study of Shakespeare, and to pay a tribute to the inspiration and help which he has given to those who have worked with him, that his new book was devised. |
1. |  | англ. 83.3(4ВЕЛ) H75 И-15873 (ИНО)
Holland, P.William Shakespeare / Peter Holland. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 147 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 1). - ISBN 978-0-19-921283-5 : 220.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Уильям Шекспир
In this study by Peter Holland the details of Shakespeare’s life take up less than half the entry, and the rest traces Shakespeare’s afterlives, the many ways in which his works have been performed, rewritten, and translated, and have influenced writers, thinkers, audiences, school-children, students, poets, painters, composers, and choreographers across the world. In financial terms, Shakespeare is Britain’s most successful export; in cultural terms, his plays have profoundly informed cultures across the world. | 2. |  | англ. 92:83.3(4ВЕЛ) W50 И-15903 (ИНО)
Wells, S.A Dictionary of Shakespeare : [fascinating guide to the world's best-loved playwright] / Stanley Wells with the assistance of James Shaw. - Updated and re-issued in new covers ed. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2005. - 234 с. : портр., факс. ; 20 см. - Указ. персонажей в пьесах У. Шекспира: с. 202-223. - Библиогр.: с. 230-234. - ISBN 0-19-280638-6 : 501.00 р. - ISBN 978-0-19-280638-3 : 501.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Шекспировский словарь
Compiled by Stanley Wells, the general editor of The Oxford Shakespeare, and one of the best-known authorities on the playwright's works, this dictionary offers information on all aspects of Shakespeare, both in his own time and in later ages. The wide-ranging entries cover Shakespeare's plays, as well as everything from famous actors, writers, and directors connected with Shakespeare, to theatres, historical figures and places of particular interest relating to his life and work. The dictionary also includes box features of passages on Shakespeare by other famous authors, from Dr Johnson and Jane Austin to Bernard Levin and Virginia Woolf. Ideal reference for the student, actor, or director, and fascinating browsing for the general reader interested in Shakespeare's life and work. |