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Выдающиеся люди Великобритании
1. |  | англ. 63.3(4ВЕЛ) A20 И-15888 (ИНО)
Addison, P.Winston Churchill / Paul Addison. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 137 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 16). - Index.: с. 131-167. - ISBN 978-0-19-921757-1 : 215.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Уинстон Черчилль
Historians still differ, but much of the heat has gone from the debate, and light may be taking its place. Churchill’s private life, though not always happy, was remarkably straightforward. His public life was full of contradictions and seemed to be the work of a number of different people. Churchill was in fact a restless, intuitive force who re-invented himself at frequent intervals and hardly knew where imagination and opportunity would carry him next. True, he always remained a late Victorian imperialist, a soldier, and a Tory Democrat at heart, but these were broad conceptions like the ‘sunlit uplands’ to which he sometimes alluded. With Churchill we always have to remember that he was writing his own script and making up the story as he went along. | 2. |  | англ. 28.02 D46 И-15876 (ИНО)
Desmond, A.Charles Darwin / A. Desmond, J. Moore, J. Browne. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 139 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 4). - Sources: p. 125-133. - Index: p. 135-139. - ISBN 978-0-19-921354-2 : 279.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Чарльз Дарвин
Darwin's life has received enormous attention - so much so, as Adrian Desmond, James Moore, and Janet Browne note in the preface to this book, that today "historians know more about his career than his family did, and in respects . . . they even know more about the man." Such a massive amount of information can prove difficult to summarize, but the three authors rove more than capable of the task. Each draw upon their particular specialty - Desmond on the politics of evolution, evolution and Darwin's colleagues, Moore on the secular and religious contexts, and Browne on the history of botany - to present a comprehensive portrait of Darwin, one that captures the amazing range of his natural studies. Supplemented with a final chapter on his legacy, the book serves as a good introduction to the famous naturalist, as well as a guide to the mountain of further literature on his life and legacy. | 3. |  | 81.2=432.1-944:66 M29 1435363 (ИНО)
Margaret Thatcher. Would you like to know more adout her? : пособие по английскому языку для гуманитарных вузов / сост. Г. А. Зайцев [и др.]. - Москва : Московский Лицей, 2001. - 187 с. - ISBN 5-7611-0300-1 : 15.00 р.
Настоящее пособие предлагает читателю наиболее интересные эпизоды из жизни Маргарет Тэтчер, взятые из одного из самых удачных биографических изданий, автором которого является Х. Янг. Книга рекомендуется для 2-4 курсов гуманитарных вузов, учащихся старших классов спецшкол, а также для всех тех, кто уже имеет определенный навык чтения оригинальной литературы и проявляет интерес к данной тематике. | 4. |  | англ. 63.3(4ВЕЛ) M84 И-15889 (КХ)
Morrill, J.Oliver Cromwell / John Morrill. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 132 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 17). - Index: с. 127-132. - ISBN 978-0-19-921753-3 : 220.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Оливер Кромвель
Though Cromwell has been the subject of numerous biographies, John Morrill's book offers a concise assessment of Cromwell's life and legacy. It offers a good introduction to Cromwell's life by a leading scholar of the period. His section on Cromwell's ever-evolving reputation is particularly enlightening, offering his learned assessment of the many works on the Lord Protector. These qualities make this book a good starting point for anyone curious about Cromwell, as well as an excellent guide for further study of the man and his times. | 5. |  | англ. 63.3(4ВЕЛ) P25 И-15880 (ИНО)
Parry, J.Benjamin Disraeli / Jonathan Parry. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 143 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 8). - Index: p. 139-143. - ISBN 978-0-19-921359-7 : 222.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Бенджамин Дизраэли
In this brilliant piece Jonathan Parry traces the extraordinary and unique career and qualities of Benjamin Disraeli. The reader of this compact, lucid and very readable book embarks on a very wide ranging journey following Disraeli's life with the benefit of facts about his life and insights, many of which one assumes were unknown to indeed kept hidden from his parliamentary contemporaries. Disraeli's extravagant costume and mannered behaviour provided a mask for the immeasurably more exotic and brilliant underneath which would have largely proved unfathomable, confusing and disturbing for his colleagues and more widely those he sought to win over. Parry notes the coexistence in Disraeli of high principle as well as a love of intrigue. Disraeli believed from a young age that he was brilliant. He was something more than that. | 6. |  | англ. 22.3 W59 И-15877 (ИНО)
Westlall, R. S.Isaak Newton / Richard S. Westlall. - New York : Oxford University Press, [2007]. - 113 p. ; 18 см. - (VIP: Very Interesting People ; 5). - Sources: p. 107-108. - Index: p. 109-113. - ISBN 978-0-19-921355-9 : 222.00 р. Перевод заглавия: Исаак Ньютон
The book is an excellent introduction to Newton's life and work. Newton is not a person whose personality is easily understood by readers in our times but Westfall treads the fine line between excusing and explaining Newton's actions clearly, so that the reader can understand the man better. Newton quarreled with his contemporaries such as Robert Hooke, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and John Flamsteed mainly over priority of discovery and Westfall explains Newton's position well in relation to each of these major disputes. One of the most interesting aspects of this short work are the excellent brief explanations of the different editions of `The Principia' and `Optics' and the amount of time and effort spent by Newton in these revisions. Newton's religious beliefs and his work on alchemy are also discussed, though the importance of these to Newton is difficult for present day readers to understand. | | | Eminent People : Sir Edward William Elgar // English = Английский язык. - 2011. - N 5 (1-15, March). - С. 29 : цв. ил. - (Alphabetical Journey = Путешествие по алфавиту).
| | | Radcliffe, Daniel / M. Deeva // English. - 2012. - N 1. -С. 41 : цв. ил. - (Alphabetical journey = Алфавитное путешествие).
| | | Robert Pattinson // Schoolenglish. - 2009. - N 1 (January). -С. 16-17 : ил. - (Cover = Обложка) (Movie Celebrity = Kинозвезда).
| | | The Master of Suspense // Schoolenglish. - 2009. - N 5 (May). -С. 22-23 : ил. - (Author! Author! = Автора! Автора!).
| | | Welsh Beauty: Catherine Zeta Jones // Speak out. - 2009. - N 5 (75). -С. 16-17 : ил.