She was born in the village Lugovaya of Shumerlya district of the Chuvash ASSR.

After graduating from the Kazan State Institute of Culture, from August 1987 to May 1995, she worked as head of the service department of the Shumerlya Central district library, 1995-1998 – the leading librarian, and then – the head of the information and bibliographic department of the National Library. From 1998 to 2001, she was the head specialist of the Ministry of Culture of the Chuvash Republic. From November 2001 to November 2002, she was the director of the National Library, from December 2002 to June 2004, the deputy of the minister of culture of Chuvash Republic.

M. Lizakova paid great attention to the library’s participation in the realization of library policy in a dynamically changing political and socio-cultural situation, the development of federal and republican programs for the implementation of national cultural policy. Under her supervision within the framework of the project «Youth.The Way to the Science» the information and resource center for postgraduate education has been created. The organization of the center made it possible to increase the completeness and efficiency of information support for young scientists, postgraduate students, graduate students, teaching staff, to intesify their scientific activities by providing electronic resources of domestic and foreign libraries.

In 2002, R. M. Lizakova organized the introduction of the automated library and information system “Ruslan”. The automated workstations “Acquisition/Cataloging”, “Reader”, “ILL”, “Administrator” were purchased, which made it possible to automate all the main processes of accounting and processing documents, servicing readers, and start creating an electronic library.

In the same year, 6 libraries of the Chuvash Republic were included in the project “Creation of computer public libraries in rural areas”, implemented by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the interregional Association of Business Libraries. In March 2003, a meeting was held on the problems of introducing new information technologies into the activities of libraries, which was attended by the President of the Chuvash Republic N. V. Fedorov, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation M. E. Shvydkoi. The main outcome of the meeting was the signing of an Agreement between the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Chuvash Republic in the field of development of telecommunication technologies in cultural institutions of the Chuvash Republic.

Within the framework of the improvement of the legal and regulatory foundations of the republic`s libraries, a round table «Tendencies and problems in the realization of the Law of the Chuvash Republic «On Librarianship» was held with the participation of representatives of the state and legislative authorities.

The activities of R. M. Lizakova were also aimed at cooperation with various institutions, professional and public organizations, individuals in order to combine efforts to maintain and develop a unified information space on the territory of the Chuvash Republic. Close contacts have been established with the editorial board of the literary and artistic magazine “Friendship of Peoples”, the Foundation for Socio-Economic and Intellectual Programs (city of Moscow), the Russian Institute of Bible Translation, the Chuvash regional branch of the Interregional Public Organization “Women in Science and Education”, etc.

In 2002, after joining the Ministry of Culture, Nationalities, Information Policy and Archives of the Chuvash Republic, R. M. Lizakova was appointed Deputy Minister of Culture and Nationalities of the Chuvash Republic. Since 2004, she has worked as the head of the Department of Culture and Art of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia, head of the Analytical work and Strategic Planning department.

From September 2007 she was Deputy Minister of Culture and Nationalities, Information Policy and Archives of the Chuvash Republic. She was the actual councillor of the Chuvash Republic of the 3rd class.

Workinginseniorpositions,shesolvesmanyproblems of the republic’s libraries.

Roza Mikhailovna is a person of inexhaustible energy and will, a bright, talented leader with an analytical mindset, high efficiency, and a keen sense of novelty.

By the President`s Decree No. 39 dated 04/21/2008, she was appointed Minister of Culture, Nationalities, Information Policy and Archives of the Chuvash Republic.

For many years of fruitfulwork for thebenefit of the ChuvashRepublic, by Decree of the Head of the Republicdated05/26/2012No.51, she was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the ChuvashRepublic.

From May 28, 2012 – May 31, 2013, she was the Director of the National Library of the Chuvash Republic.

In 2013-2019, she was the director of the Central Scientific Library of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow State Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev. In February – April 2020, she was appointed Acting Minister, in April – September she worked as Minister of Culture, Nationalities and Archives. On November 16, 2020, by order of the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic, she was appointed Director of the National Library of the Chuvash Republic.