On the 25th of April the documentary art exhibition «The voice of the heart. The dedication to Mikhail Sespel» has opened its doors in the warm atmosphere at the National Library of the Chuvash Republic. It was symbolic that the bright, original exhibition, dedicated to the classic of the Chuvash literature has opened at the Day of the Chuvash language, the birthday of the democrat teacher, the enlightener of the people of the Volga region, Ivan Yakovlev. Like the enlightener, Mikhail Sespel supported the Chuvash language with all his heart, believed in its bright future. All his poetry is filled with a passionate love for his native language.


The celebration event brought together government and public figures, scientists and teachers, cultural and artistic figures, and young people. Georgy Boguslavsky, Deputy Minister of Culture, Nationalities and Archives, addressed the guests with a welcoming speech. He expressed his gratitude for the «hard creative work» to the National Library of the Chuvash Republic as the organizer of the original exhibition, noted the interesting design and rich content of the exhibition, the relevance of using augmented reality technologies, which helps to attract the attention of the younger generation to the work of the great poet.

Candidate of Philological Sciences, literary critic Atner Khuzangai spoke about the role of Mikhail Sespel in world culture, his life and creative path, and the difficult fate of the talented poet.

Doctor of Philology, the head of the Chuvash State Institute of Humanities Yuri Isaev, the national writer of Chuvashia Anatoly Kibech, the chairman of the «Kanashsem» community Yuri Tarasov, artist Oleg Ulangin shared their thoughts about the importance of Mikhail Sespel’s personality, his contribution to the development of Chuvash literature and culture.

The scientific research, literary and musical works, dedicated to the life and work of Mikhail Sespel are presented at the exhibition. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory, History, Methods of Music and Choral Conducting of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University Yulia Dmitrieva focused the audience’s attention on the «Patriotic Oratorio» by Grigory Hirbyu and the opera «Sespel» by Anisim Aslamas.

Manyartistsappealedto the image of the poet, the uniqueworks of ChuvashnationalartistsEllieYurievandPraskiVittibecame the decoration of the exhibition.PraskiVittipresented his paintings «Kherle-kherle makansem…» «Portraitof Sespel Mishshi», «Chuvashrevolutionary poetSespel Mishshi», layout and design of the monumentto Sespel’. GalinaYurieva, a publicfigure, spokeabout the role of MikhailSespelin the work of Ellie Yuriev.

The artists of the ChuvashStateTheater of the YoungSpectatornamed after M.Sespelpleased the guests with a sincerereading of the poet’s poems.

The exhibition «The Voice of the heart. The dedication to Mikhail Sespel» will be open until January 31, 2025. We invite everyone!